Dr. Jane Huffman talks her research and gives information about the ESU’s Wildlife Forensic Laboratory which helps assisting wildlife conservation officers in determining if a wildlife law has been broken, by identifying the species and subspecies of animal and wildlife evidence, including blood, tissues, hairs, and illegally marketed products, utilizing the most modern forensic DNA and serological techniques in the physical examination of evidence and provide objective, independent scientific analysis of evidence to identify the guilty and exonerate the innocent. Wildlife Forensic Laboratory also conducts forensic workshops for officers in the PA Game Commission and NJ Fish & Wildlife. [March 26, 2014]
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Dr. Fred Misurella: Literature, Creative Writing and Authorship
Dr. Fred Misurella discusses his scholarship and experience as a creative writer explaining his work in genres of fiction, non-fiction and journalistic writing. [March 3, 2014.]